Friday, December 12, 2008

Cheyenne in High Relief

Cheyenne is the first dog that I have shared my life with. She is a dear friend, truly beautiful, and has me pretty much wrapped around her dainty little paws.

Photo info: This is an available light shot. I almost never shoot high ISO. It's one of those things that went from a general guideline to an over-rigid rule in my shooting. So to counter that trend I cranked up the ISO to 1600, opened to f/2 for really shallow depth-of-field and dialed +2/3 exposure compensation while spot metering her right eye in aperture priority thereby allowing the surrounding highlights to blow. Sure, many shots were unacceptably blurry or noisy, but a few were beautiful to me. This high relief radiant look is how Cheyenne always looks in my heart and it captures her well.

The high ISO schtick seems to get unobtrusive shots that are otherwise impossible to capture under available-light conditions, (and that never seem to happen when blasting away with strobes.)


Dan Fogarty said...

Very cool Matt I almost always enjoy BW as a strong understatement. Keep posting more!!

Maria said...

Hi Matt,

Love the hummingbird shot. It is almost as though I am standing in front of the tree.

Can't wait to see more.


Maria said...

Hey there brother of mine. I am just stopping by to say hello and to see if you posted new pics.

Love and Hugs